Saturday 28 July 2012

I Attack.

People quite rightly have their own ideas about what is sometimes called the 'Unknown'. The unknown in this case refers to voices, figures and actions not caused by people living on this planet. I do not pretend to have knowledge which could be construed clear evidence of afterlife. However, I have experienced, as have many people, things which I could not rationally explain.

It is a compelling subject which has millions totally conviced that there either is or is not any sort of afterlife. With such a wide divide of opinion between massive numbers of people it is understandable that equally as many take middle ground. In fact if there was a linnear scale of belief for the subject you would find someone on every point.

This is the only story I have ever written which touches on the subject, and I have not claimed expertise. I think it is an entertaing story which hopefully readers will enjoy, regardless of their position on the scale of belief.

It can be found on Amazon

Three Comedy Stories.

I simply love to look at the cover of this book, and it is nothing to do with sexual attraction. It is my flagship; the only book I have written which sells on a regular basis. It helps ease the pain caused by the lack of sales from my other seventeen e-books. Each month it easily outsells all my others combined, doubled and multiplied by the area of a Kindle.

Not that it has made me lots of money as it only costs 99c, but the fact is without it I would not have made any. So the cover along with the three short silly stories inside it will always be very special to me. The strange thing is I never intended them to go together; they were each written as short comedy stories.

However, they were each far too short to sell individualy so I thought why not stick them together. I have discovered people either hate them or love them it is that kind of humour. They are classed as erotica simply because they contain sexual words and acts, but I definitely consider them to be funny sex comedies.

It can be found here

Friday 27 July 2012

Such a Spoilsport.

I have just arrived back home from Crown Court and they liked me so much they have asked me to write for them which is great. I must go back in a few weeks to receive my sentence, it must be one of those introductory line things.

Anyway, the reason I was there in the first place was all because of a miserable young lady. I had found myself standing on a bus holding onto a support bar which was directly next to where the young lady was seated. Now I did not mind standing on the bus at all, no qualms whatsoever. However, every time the bus turned or jolted which was very often, I could not prevent my crotch from pushing itself into her face.

After it had happened six or seven times she pressed the bell and asked the driver to call the police, claiming I was sexually harassing her. They duly arrived and after arresting me suggested I should call a lawyer. I told him exactly what had happened and he had every sympathy for me. In fact his very words were "You would have gotten away with it if there had not been fifteen empty seats.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Lottery Hell

When I won the lottery I thought all my problems had been solved. I had no idea that £12 m. could be the cause of so such mental stress. Upon winning my advisors suggested that I should enjoy, but not waste my fortune. Little did I know that it would be only days before I would be forced to face my first agonising decision.

Having won my vast amount on a Saturday, Wednesday had arrived in what seemed only a blink of an eye. There had been no time to consider whether I should play the lottery again, I began to panic. With my mind racing I could not make a rational choice so I took a huge gamble and decided to play. I should have known better, I never won a single penny.

This has gone on for almost three months now, twice a week I keep on playing. I did win a further £10, but overall since my huge win I am over £20 down. Some people have won the lottery twice, but I know I am not that lucky. I know stopping is the correct thing to do, but I keep on wasting my money with the words of the advisers ringing in my head.

I am now worrying about Christmas and the extra dilemmas it will bring. In the past I have never bought a round of drinks for my friends, so if I start then will they think I am rubbing my money in their faces? It is exactly the same predicament with the window cleaner, milkman and paper boy. If I tip them now for the first time will they then tell my neighbors I am acting like a flash show off??

Sometimes I wish I could just have my pound back and that somebody else had won. However, I could not be that selfish as to burden other people with my problems.I will soldier on as best I can with the weight of my money an ever increasing burden. My chauffeur does the lottery and I sometimes worry that he if he wins he will leave me. It is exactly the same worry with my cleaner and au pair, I can only pray that they do not win, I could not go through the pressure of finding new staff.These are only an indication of the unforeseen pitfalls that lay in wait for wealthy chaps like me.

So if you are doing the lottery make contingency plans now so you will be prepared if you are cursed with a win. I am sure I am suffering from wealth health and I would not wish it on my worst enemy, never mind poor people.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Divided we Fail.

“Crossroad twins, seaside left, countryside right.”
“Agree or we go back.”
Seaside, I’m not budging.
Nor me, why should I?
“Shall I be the casting vote?”
(Together) No, you won’t pick mine.
“Back home it is then."
Can we stop for a McDonald’s?
Burger King.
“Both! Out! and never phone my taxi again”.

Thursday 22 September 2011

One step too far.

The rules are simple:

Fifty-five words or less (non-negotiable), excluding the title.
A setting
One or more characters
Some conflict

“Not doing it, no, no.

“You’ll regret it”.

“Thought I could, but I can’t go through with it”.

“Do it, you’ve come this far, do it”.

“Oh God, what will my family think of me”?

“Do it, Do it.

“It’s my kids I’m thinking about”.

“You knew what you were getting into”.