Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paranormal. Show all posts

Saturday 28 July 2012

I Attack.

People quite rightly have their own ideas about what is sometimes called the 'Unknown'. The unknown in this case refers to voices, figures and actions not caused by people living on this planet. I do not pretend to have knowledge which could be construed clear evidence of afterlife. However, I have experienced, as have many people, things which I could not rationally explain.

It is a compelling subject which has millions totally conviced that there either is or is not any sort of afterlife. With such a wide divide of opinion between massive numbers of people it is understandable that equally as many take middle ground. In fact if there was a linnear scale of belief for the subject you would find someone on every point.

This is the only story I have ever written which touches on the subject, and I have not claimed expertise. I think it is an entertaing story which hopefully readers will enjoy, regardless of their position on the scale of belief.

It can be found on Amazon